For your convenience, please use the route planning
interface to the right to receive navigational directions to Iramed GmbH in Wegberg-Arsbeck.
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From Düsseldorf:
Take direction Mönchengladbach on highway A52.
Read on with "A52"
From Cologne:
Take direction Düsseldorf on highway A57. Stay on for about 38 km. At connection point "Kreuz Kaarst" change from A57 onto the A52. Follow the A52 for about 30 km. Read on with "A52"
Leave A52 at exit "Niederkrüchten" (3) in direction ->"Heinsberg, Niederkrüchten, Wassenberg, B221". After a few meters you will reach a traffic light. ->Turn left, joining B221. Stay on this road for about 6,5 km and enter Wegberg-Arsbeck. Follow straight on for about 2 km until you reach a major junction with a church to your left side. At this junction ->turn left into Endstrasse. Follow the road for about 50 meters going through a bend to the right and another to the left. A few meters after the last bend -> turn right into Südstrasse, and -> turn left into next street. Iramed offices are located in the third house to the right. A parking lot is available in front of the building.